What is the relationship between BlackRock® and StashAway?
StashAway and BlackRock® have partnered to offer a suite of globally diversified multi-asset model portfolios that are built from BlackRock’s analytics and ETFs, which are managed by StashAway. The portfolios will be available to investors via the StashAway app.
BlackRock provides clients all insights and asset allocations to StashAway for General Investing powered by BlackRock. StashAway manages the trade execution, deposits, withdrawals, rebalancing, and customer support.
BlackRock® is a registered trademark of BlackRock, Inc. and its affiliates (“BlackRock”) is used under license. BlackRock is not affiliated with StashAway and therefore makes no representations or warranties regarding the advisability of investing in any product or service offered by StashAway. BlackRock has no obligation or liability in connection with the operation, marketing, trading or sale of such product or service nor does BlackRock have any obligation or liability to any client or customer of StashAway.
For StashAway General Investing portfolios that are powered by BlackRock, BlackRock provides StashAway with non-binding asset allocation guidance. StashAway manages and provides these portfolios to you, meaning BlackRock does not provide any service or product to you, nor has BlackRock considered the suitability of its asset allocations against your individual needs, objectives, and risk tolerance. As such, the asset allocations that BlackRock provides do not constitute investment advice, or an offer to sell or buy any securities.