What are the fees applicable for corporate accounts?
There is no difference in the fee charged for a retail or corporate account investing with StashAway.
As with retail accounts, the annual management fee is calculated as a percentage of the total assets under management, ranging from 0.2% - 0.8%, and is charged monthly on a pro-rata basis. i.e. if you invested on the 15th of a particular month, we will not charge you for the first 15 days.
The fees associated with the expense ratio of the ETF is directly adjusted by the ETF provider in the NAV and StashAway does not manage this charge. ETFs are one of the lowest-cost instruments for investing.
There will be a currency conversion spread which includes the underlying fee of our FX vendor. This spread remains the lowest compared to banks and brokerages.
Unlike most traditional financial managers, we do not (and never will) charge for withdrawals or account closures. More details on how StashAway can charge low fees can be found here.